Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Well things aren't too bad here. I slept like a baby last night until 9:52 when there was a mighty boom that was noted throughout the boat. You get one of those every now and again. It's just a breaker hitting the boat at an innopportune moment. I went to the toilet and back to sleep.

I was up the bridge today and it's not that bad. I've seen far worse. It's 7-10 metres at best (worst?). Some nice big green waves though. So ye need not worry. The tummy is still good enough to have breakfast and I just had a shrimp sandwich. It is getting tiresome though so I may take a tablet. All this hanging on is tiring.

Apart from that, I'm slightly frustrated with my co-worker who just babbles on at a rate of knots in stops and starts and then contradicts himself if he ever made sense in the first place.

I'm also frustrated that Ireland are drawing with the Swiss whilst the froggies are romping home 3-0 against Cyprus. Will they ever get a goal....pleeeeeaaase!

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