Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Well here it comes. We are now 2 hours away and heading straight on into it. We're expecting 10-12m swells but you can feel it picking up already. Luckily we're off the prospect area where swells are now 18m!!

The Chief Mate has just told us that the barometer has dropped 11 millibars in the last 4 hours and wind is at 35kn. For those of you who are not well up on meteorological terms this is off the scale for the baro. 4 mbar in 4 hours says 'Hurricane coming!' 11 screams 'HANG ON!!'

So now for you, I'm off to make sure my cabin is secure, the shelves are ready and that only light stuff is going to fly. That reminds me. Lets get the plotter off the table. I'll let you know how it goes as it happens although I doubt that we'll have VSAT connectivity, so the next update may well be after the "Perfect?" storm.

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