Thursday, October 20, 2005

Well the mood is tense here today. However I cannot say anymore. All top secret what what. Let's just say that personally, I'm just a processor, not a make or break decision maker. Mine not to reason why, mine but to do or die. No point jumping around.

Now to the serious stuff. The Church. Why is it in my dreams twice in the last 3 nights.

Dream 1:
Myself and Rose got an invite to Gavin Kelly's wedding. Now Gavin is married 5 years at least and with children (I think). Anyway, the boats locker was in the crypt, so I changed my overalls and met Rose in the church. Massive 'twas with all these arches at the side leading to various chapels the size of say, a small church or large chapel. Anyway, the priest got to the "...or forever hold your peace" business and up jumps his sister calling her a trollop and slut and all sorts. Gavin turns around and starts giving out then the parents join in, and only then do I realise that we are the only friends of Gavins there, the only ones who don't know the girl, and don't have a clue whats going on. Now Gavin is wearing a light blue Del-Boy shirt and loadsa chains and chest hair. Anyway, to cut a long story short he storms off and myself and Rose, totally confused go back to my locker room to discuss it and I go back to work (in my overalls).

Dream 2:
My Uncle (who is a priest) is saying mass. Fair enough. In our local church. All normal so far. It's Sunday. Of course. It's Formula One day. Oookaaayyy....there are tellies all over the church....whyyyy.....BUT THEIR NOT SHOWING THE FORMULA ONE!! Now. For anyone who has ever wet the bed (I didn't by the way) they probably know that "mmm thats relaxing but there's something wrong here" feeling. Well thats what it was like with the TVs. There were TVs there to watch it, which was good, but they were in the church, which was bad. Conscience problem. Worse than that was the fact that they had the other channel on which was a Paramount movie. Why Paramount? Cos I had noticed that evening the clouds behind the mountain move for the first time and wondered when they put that bit in, but I digress. Now I also have the conscience problem of wanting to change the channel. All of a sudden it's communion time. We go up, but as people receive it they go out a side door and gather outside until everyone is there and then come in the back door again. I only realise this when I'm at my seat again and the only person in the place and trying not to pay attention to the TV! Aaagh. Then mass is over and Uncle Ed asks me to help him close a window at the back of the church. A really small one. And the stone was all crumbling and dusty, then there were workmen and then it gets blurry....ladders....sheets.....lightbulb.

What's it all about? In between I was in Harrods with one of the guys here, picking up every fish they had to check it out, and couldn't find a tissue to wipe my hands. Then Robert, my brother, showed up and said we'd go to a pub. Cool, but I told him none of his artsy fartsy pre-theatre drinks types. And guess what? It was. I'm scared.........

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