Sunday, October 16, 2005

Today I put on a broad (to say the least) spectrum of music to suit all 3 peoples tastes. Stuff we hadn't listened to before (as opposed to reruns of 'Eddie Money') and just a while ago the Beasties came on. Marcus asked me "Is that rap?" DEPRIVED CHILDHOOD I said. He said who was deprived? Or did he mean depraved. Aussies don't have much taste in music. OK so AC bloody DC came from there. BIG deal.

Had a monster vel session today. Got it all nice and sweet. Should be good. Apart from that Marcus got a bit anal about tape labels. I told him, OK you wanna go into the Access programming and change it all so that you can put a P after a 1 then fine, but buggered if I will. WHY? 'Cos I can't thats why. You ever disected the guts of an Access database? Worse than a mad cow riddled with worms. Makes me go all squirmy inside.

Now. Back to music. We're listening to some guy who sounds like Elvis singing covers of Nirvana, Joy Division etc. Ahhhh. And I get asked "Is this rap?" Question is, is this music?

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