Friday, December 23, 2005

1. The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.
2.An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.

Our new man in the room here tries hard but my chest is beginning to feel constricted from all the polite "heh-heh's" that I give him. Why don't yanks have a concept or grasp of irony. Now I am not saying that we as Europeans have a better grasp of it, but in the multicultural melting pot that is the Western Neptune, we do use it better and it makes sense. Myself and Stef exchange quips and comments all the time, but then Mr. T's contribution is just like uh, ok, eh, yeah. Either get it right or don't.

The main problem of course is not just how it is used but when and how often. I have asked questions and nearly everytime he answers it's with "irony". Now I know he's trying, he's trying to be funny, I'm wanting a proper seismic/geophysical answer. I pretend to take him seriously and ask him when this last was seen by him and of course there is nothing worse than having to say "No, I'm just joking/being ironic. I don't actually know or have never seen that." Not that my time is precious but continuous arsing is a bit much. Am I too cynical?

Maybe he is just a dry (and in his own words) white-trash Texan....or maybe that's Texan style. Look at Bush. Do people laugh at his jokes or do they just laugh at Bush trying to be funny?

Which brings me on to another point. Myself and Stef have decided that tomorrow the 24th December 2005 is a "Lent Day" which shall also be known as "No Bitching Day". We're not sure how we will handle this. It could/will be as hard as giving up cigarrettes. Certainly if you heard the amount that's been said of the other crew over the past few days you would realise this. I have put up a sign to remind me (Oh God he's done it again......not funny) about this. Pray for us. We are the master bitchers and need all the help we can get.

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