Saturday, November 05, 2005

Well there's a welcome back to seismic......delayed crew change. After management said that going alongside in the case of bad weather was an option, this was an off the cuff statement. It is not an option. We wait for good weather to allow choppers out. Tomorrow we try again and have 4 choppers planned. Whether thats four physical, air beating birds or 4 runs by the same we don't know. If this doesn't happen, we can have one on Monday, none on Tuesday, mutiny on Wednesday.....

Apart from that, we are deploying streamer, it's cold, windy, there's a big ass swell coming from the North and to cap it all off it's snowing!! The mood is as jolly on board as a cable tangle on Christmas day. Seemingly this crew always gets stiffed onboard by weather.

And as for my plans to buy 2 guitars, well they'll hold them till Monday and then we'll have to see. If this goes on any longer, I'll get one of the boys ashore money for a deposit.

So you can see know why I came back to my job. Arsing around in the cold, management arsing around with crew change, and my boss ordering his bird pictures whilst I freeze outside and he hasn't even looked at my training modules to sign them off! Long live the seismic dream..........

Thursday, November 03, 2005

'Twas like a Siege of Ennis (an Irish dance) at dinner today. First of all I entered the mess and all over people were getting the floor all greased up for the dance with soup, water and dinners. Then as we all seated ourselves, a big roller comes through and all the folks on one side of the table grab their plates and cutlery and.....slide on backwards.....slide on forwards and place your plate on the table whilst your partner on the other side slides backwards carrying what he can grab. This happened a few times. Of course there was music to accompany this bizarre version of the popular ceili dance. As the song goes "All Gods people have a place inthe choir, some sing low, some sing higher, some sing out loud like a telephone wyer, and some just clap there hands, or bang pots and pans, or anything at all......" Okay, so just the pots and pans and anything at all bit was going, and going everywhere too. Such crashing can hardly be called music, and certainly not what the cookies were saying was musical. Needless to say the floor was even more greased up and more dancing went on.

My chili was delicious...........