Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Looks Bad for Crew Change

Well, this was the weather on Monday. Not good a good omen for the Tuesday crew change. However it went down overnight and even though the first chopper couldn't land first time out it made it on deck 2 hours later. As the weather came down more everyone on the Tues CC made it off home to family and loved ones.

I am due to get off tomorrow, Thursday. Today the sea is all nice and calm, so good in fact I'm due to take out in our workboat to do some repairs on the cables. Tomorrow is a different story though with the swell due to come up to 3+ metres, followed by Friday 4+ and Saturday 4-6+. Not good, not good...

So all you worshipers of Poseidon and Neptune, make a few offerings and I'll place an egg on the helideck. If it's still there tomorrow morning the weather is good enough for choppers...

Thursday, June 03, 2010

End of the Storm?

2010-06-02 WN - Sunrise
Originally uploaded by Mike at Sea
Well it's been pretty bad weather here the past few days. Probably the worst we've seen since we got down here. High winds, rain and 4-5m swells have kept me watching movies and off the outer decks. This morning though there was a beautiful sunrise, however I fear the break in the weather is to be a short one and that it's going to get bad again soon. Just so long as it's ok for next Thursdays crew change, I couldn't care less what it's like for the next week. The poor MMOs (Marine Mammal Observers) had their crew change delayed by 3 days due to the bad spell. But who cares when it's not you getting off...?